
Monday 27 February 2017


Follow – UnfollowThe irritation of gaining followers and reaching you next milestone, to then loose them again within 24hours. Please enlighten me in how you have the time to bother?

Automated DMsNow, there's absolutely nothing wrong with a little self promotion, of course this is entirely expected of bloggers, although, one thing that really annoys me is automated direct messages. For me, it's not personal and direct at all. If anything, I would just delete the message before I had even read it. Make it personal and I'm ten times more likely to go and give your content a read, I love supporting other bloggers.

Don’t copy my work and claim it as your own Thankfully, this is yet to happen to me, although within the blogging community copying work and claiming it as your own is a regular thing. Of course, gain inspiration from other bloggers and by all means, let other blogger influence you, but make sure you add a bit of 'me', copying content is never the ultimate flattery, although gaining inspo most definitely is.

 *If you struggle with pictures, or like me, struggle with time, you can download free 'stock' picture apps, which you can download and use freely without the hassle of copyright. They're by no means brilliant, although for a last minute post, they will do the job. I use Pexels  and Unsplash

Positivity - I am all for positivity and happiness, but there seems to be some sort of stigma towards the community, that bloggers live their 'perfect' happy little life with their avocado on toast. But hey, this isn't always the case, I am a small blogger and although, I portray happiness on my social medias and blog,  I believe people forget that many of us work full time and live an extremely normal, sometimes dull life. I would love to openly speak about my anxiety and more taboo subjects on my blog, which I am currently in the process of, it's not all sunshine and rainbows over here, you know.

You can't sit with us -  If I ask where your dress is from, please just respond, or at least tag your outfit 'I'm drooling over your dress and I can't find it anywhere'. Surely I am not the only one, blogger or non blogger, who gets the hump about this. C'mon if you're going to be an "infuencer" come and flipping influene me with your Kim K style tips okay.

Don't you just love a little rant here and there? I do.
Talk soon babes XO

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  1. Such a great post! And literally feel exactly the same! My blogging world is so different to my actual life and I constantly find myself telling my followers that my life is dull and not always as pretty As my instagram feed.

    Stacey x

    1. Thankyou Stacey! I really enjoyed writing up a little rant post haha. Blogging is definitely my little escape xxx


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